Industry Supported Session
Join international keynote speaker, Dr. David Dodick and Canadian expert, Dr. Elizabeth Leroux as they discuss and provide practical advice in response to “Dave’s Top 10” questions on the use of new agents in migraine prevention.
This program was co-developed by the CNSF, the Faculty, and the CPD Network and was planned to achieve scientific integrity, objectivity, and balance. It is an unaccredited learning activity and not eligible for MOC credits. This program was organized by the CPD Network, a not-for-profit physician organization, who received an in-kind educational grant from Allergan, an AbbVie Company.
*Ticket Required for the Industry Sponsored sessions
Faculty: Elizabeth Leroux
Faculty: Elizabeth Leroux
Faculty: David Dodick
Faculty: Elizabeth Leroux
Faculty: David Dodick
Faculty: Elizabeth Leroux
Faculty: David Dodick