This course will explore the current state of neurosurgical practice and employment in Canada. It will discuss the balance of academic and community practice in Canada. Numerical data regarding respective provincial manpower, remuneration schemes, subspecialty practice, waitlists, job opportunities, retirements and future opportunities will be presented.
The issue of neurosurgical graduate under-employment, historical trends and strategies for securing employment will also be presented.
Finally a discussion will ensue which galvanizes these two inter-related topics - with a focus on the future. Strategies to enhance the delivery of neurosurgical care in Canada, to minimize waitlists and improve the job opportunities for graduates.
This session is centred on interaction with the audience. Brief presentations on Canadian Practice, Graduate employment and Future strategies will be made. A focused panel will lead discussion - however it will be incumbent on the audience to truly fuel and direct the dialogue. It is expected that the session will end with actionable activities and segue future sessions at the CNSF.
Speaker: Brian Toyota
Speaker: Ian Fleetwood
Speaker: Jay Riva-Cambrin
Speaker: Michael K. Tso
Speaker: Vivek Mehta
Speaker: Brian Toyota
Speaker: Ian Fleetwood
Speaker: Michael K. Tso
Speaker: Vivek Mehta
Speaker: Michael K. Tso
Speaker: Jay Riva-Cambrin
Speaker: Brian Toyota
Speaker: Ian Fleetwood
Speaker: Brian Toyota
Speaker: Brian Toyota
Speaker: Ian Fleetwood
Speaker: Jay Riva-Cambrin
Speaker: Michael K. Tso
Speaker: Vivek Mehta